China's Economic Coercion; Europe's Security Challenge; Controversial US Elections | Trends@Raisina
Andrew Shearer, Director-General, Office of National Intelligence, Australia
• How are geopolitical forces reshaping global supply chains and economies, and what will be the longer-term impacts?
Mallory Knodel, Chief Technology Officer, Centre for Democracy and Technology, United States
• Can international collaboration on cybercrime respond to the challenges of new tech while also preserving citizens’ rights online?
Noah Barkin, Senior Advisor, China Practice - Rhodium Group, Germany
• Is China still as attractive to foreign investors? If not, who is moving out of the mainland, and to where?
Reinhard Bütikofer, Member of the European Parliament, Germany
• Is the new threat from the Russian Federation causing Europe to intensify or de-emphasise its “strategic competition” with China?
Nico Lange, Senior Fellow, Munich Security Conference, Germany
• How could the transatlantic relationship be affected by the upcoming US elections?
Moderator: Lara Farrar, Fellow, USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism, United States